Welcome to Undeniable Love

I just wanted to take the time out to welcome everyone. This is a Fan blog for my favorite "Potential" Couple of all time Spinlu. I hope you enjoy yourself, feel free to click on any of the links i have posted, there are some great sites to check out. I will be posting some news, pictures and other great things to do with the couple in the next few days so check back.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Recap for Tuesday 5-22-07

Well Well Well!! I tell you what Spinlu might not of been on, but what time Spinelli was on he was kicking tail. I love him with the pool stick, lol i was like "beat em down Spinelli!!" then Jerry/Craig/Guy with so many freakin names called him out. But i agree with Pinky she said in her blog recap that Spinelli wasnt scared one bit. Nope he sure wasn't He grew some steel nuggets around that dude. Jason would be so proud. And omg the scene between them two today was just plain awesome. Spinelli was fearing that he let Jason down by saying that he would do better next time but all jason said was he didnt want the people he cared about getting hurt. My heart fell to my knees he truely cares for spinelli and to me is great friendship.

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